Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A Musing for February 7

I’m sure you’ve heard about …
the boy who arrived to his Sunday school class late. His teacher knew that the boy was usually very prompt and asked him if anything was wrong.
The boy replied no, that he was going to go fishing, but that his dad told him that he needed to go to church instead. The teacher was very impressed and asked the boy if his father had explained to him why it was more important to go to church rather than to go fishing.
The boy replied, "Yes, ma'am, he did. My dad said that he didn't have enough bait for both of us."

Remember to wish Pastor Mike a Happy Birthday on February 8.

Karen Burkett and Danielle were our wonderful adult leaders for Kids Together on Sunday. We had six children and two peer helpers – thank you Madeline and Melissa. Francesca Crane also helped out.

Our story was about Jesus fishing trip with Peter and friends (see Luke 5:1-11). The fishing was better with Jesus. Jesus told his disciples to be “Fishers of People.” We’ll have better fishing luck if we have Jesus along with us. The kids sang “I will make you fishers of men (and women), if you follow me.” Ask them to sing it for you.

This coming Sunday we will talk about true happiness. Does God want us to be happy?
I’m happy that Dustin Flay and Rory will be our leaders in Kids Together this week.

Thanks go to Leah Yocum for preparing the nursery schedule. She and Jill were in the nursery this week, with Grace and Lucas. Each week there are two nursery workers scheduled; if only one is needed they can decide who will stay. Wendy Reid and Betsy McDonald are our nursery volunteers for February 11.

The choir did a great job on Sunday. Thanks Kathi and Betsy! You also had a wonderful accompanist (humility noted). Remember, the impromptu moments make it more memorable.

Congratulations to Leah and Holly Johnson! They were on Kids Corner (WXPN, Mon – Thurs, 7-8 pm) last week.

The Kids Club will begin on February 25. Children age 8 to 12 will meet from 6:00 to 7:30 every Sunday evening during lent. The program will be a combination of Bible Study, crafts, games, activities and a social ministry project.

The theme is “God’s Word for Parents!” We started off our class with three students. This week we will talk about difficult children (certainly not ours; at least not today). The Bible has some interesting comments for dealing with the kids when they seem to loose control. The class is for parents, grandparents, those hoping to be parents, and anyone interested are invited to participate. We meet Sundays at 9:45 am in Room 2. Bring the kids; we have classes for them as well.

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick Douglas

May you feel our Lord’s presence as you’re fishing this week.

Pastor Steve

This Week’s Motto: Noli habere bovis, vir (“Don’t have a cow, man!)