Friday, October 10, 2008

Sermon Synopsis for September 21, 2008

“Keep Your Lamps Burning” Matthew 25:1-13

Today we look at Characteristic of a Healthy Church #3 – A healthy church has passionate spirituality. Are we “on fire” for the Lord? We need to keep our level of spiritual passion high as we wait for the Lord’s return. We’ll consider suggestions for not being foolish and ways to be wise.

Are you a fanatic?
Fanatic = “Marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion” (Merriam-Webster)

I asked the children which team I should root for, Eagles or Steelers?
It depends on which team I support.
What do you do if you’re a fan of a team? Wear their shirts, Cheer for them, hope they will win, watch the games, read about them.

God wants us to be fans of Jesus. How can we do that? Rah, Rah, Go Jesus! We love God and love others.

Romans 12:11, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

Maybe you heard the old story …
A new Pastor in a small town spent the first four days making personal visits to each of the members, inviting them to come to his first services.

The following Sunday the church was all but empty. Accordingly, the Pastor placed a notice in the local newspapers, stating that, because the church was dead, it was everyone's duty to give it a decent Christian burial. The funeral would be held the following Sunday afternoon, the notice said.

Morbidly curious, a large crowd turned out for the "funeral." In front of the pulpit, they saw a closed coffin, smothered in flowers. After the Pastor delivered the eulogy, he opened the coffin and invited his congregation to come forward and pay their final respects to their dead church.

Each member passed by and looked into the coffin. Inside was a mirror.

Nobody wants a dead church.

John Wesley saw the absence of Passionate Spirituality in the church of England (Episcopal). At Oxford University he joined a movement called “The Holy Club” and later led it. It spurred him to start a revival.

There is a danger that people can fall into fanaticism (that’s why our spiritual passion must be kept in check with other things). But one observer wrote, “It’s easier to calm a fanatic than resurrect a corpse” (Rev. Walter Edwards)

What keeps our spiritual fervor, our spiritual passion alive?

Today’s scripture passage talks about having enough oil.

It’s something we’ve been aware of these past few months …
What’s the price of oil these days?
$104.55 a barrel of light crude as of Sept 20
Presidential candidates respond to our dependence on oil.

How are the U.S. oil reserves?
Is there enough?
US Dept of Energy web page:
About 700 million barrels
706.8 million Barrels as of Sept 12 (Strategic Petroleum Reserve Inventory)

Gospel of Matthew: Matthew is dealing with the discouragement of early Christians that Christ had not come again. They needed to prepare for delay. How they would wait would be crucial. The word for patience comes from the word "patior" which means to suffer. God's time is not our time. Experience the agony of his absence as well as the power of his presence. Prepare, anticipate what his coming, his presence will mean. Absence can make the heart grow fonder , only if we wait and watch in expectation.

Today’s scripture passage is in Matthew 25: 1-13. Jesus had a long day of teaching in the Temple court (beginning in the middle of chapter 21, v.23)

He was heading home to Bethany (leaving Jerusalem, crossing the Kidron Valley, climbing up the Mount of Olives, arriving at a garden (called Gethsemane) he stopped to rest among the olive trees – this was a production orchard. Olive trees were grown, tended and revered, because they produced oil – the hottest commodity on the ancient market. The disciples asked him some questions about the end of times. Jesus responded in Chapter 24 with many signs of the end of times – earthquakes, natural disasters, signs in the sky, etc. He led them know that the time and the hour of Christ’s return is unknown. “He’ll come when you least expect it.” It will be good for some people, not very good for others.

Then he tells them the parable of the wise and foolish virgins.

Question from today’s Bible passage: How is your spiritual oil reserve?

Oil is a common item in the Bible: Anointing, Lamps, Cooking, Medicinal purposes, Offerings
It was a hot commodity

It’s also symbolic:
1. The presence of oil marked the Lord’s blessing of prosperity
Jeremiah 31:12 – “They come with shouts of joy … they rejoice in the bounty of the Lord …for the … oil … and they will sorrow no more.”

2. The lack of oil was a sign of God’s judgment
Joel 1:10-12 – “The Oil fails … surely the joy of mankind is withered away.”

3. Symbolic of Grace

4. Symbolic of the Holy Spirit
Zechariah 4:4-6,12 Oil comes from two olive trees … What does the oil mean? The word of the Lord for Zerubabel “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.”

According to the Wedding customs of the day, groom & closest friends would go to the brides house after dark to get the bride and the bridesmaids. Waiting was part of the suspense. When would the groom come? Would he catch us off guard?
The groom & friends would take the bride to his house for the conclusion of the ceremony. The party would go on for days.

We see this in operation in Jesus' parable.

There’s a lot about this passage I don’t like:
- “Don’t store up things” (treasures in heaven)
- The wise and the foolish are all mixed together (internal tension)
- Everyone falls asleep
- Selfishness – they don’t care about the others.

These things aren’t the point. But what is?

It does make a distinction between being wise and being foolish (we’ve seen this before – building a house on sand or rock – for example)

How to be foolish
- Don’t prepare for the long haul. Don’t do things to keep up your spiritual fervor when the going gets long and tough.

How to be wise
- Cover yourself. Take along an extra jar. More than just the scouting “Be Prepared”. It’s a spiritual preparation.

Wise and foolish in Proverbs:
Wise – prepares, works, is diligent
Foolish – is lazy, self seeking, easily distracted

What’s Obvious is, it’s better to be wise.

In the New Testament: Wise person follows Jesus … has a personal faith in Jesus.

True wisdom = In it for the long haul

Lamp / oil / light = God’s presence in your life
Oil = symbolic for grace or the Spirit

How is your spiritual life?
How long can you maintain a positive attitude for Christ? Alone you can’t. You need God’s presence (spirit) dwelling in you.

Why did they have lamps and oil? They were waiting for the bridegroom. That was the reason to be there with lamps and oil.

Half of them didn’t have oil when it was needed most.
Are you following Christ for the Long Haul?


Psychologists: Unresolved Stress leads to Burnout
Stress (continual over engagement, beyond our normal capabilities = too much of something we’re uncomfortable with for too long)

Burnout signs: (from Smoldering Wick Ministries)
Disengagement / withdrawal / loss of interest, disillusionment / loss of hope / helpless, exhausted / can’t continue, paranoia (feeling that you can’t please everyone or anyone and that they are holding that against you)

Can you identify with these?

Spiritual burnout à loss of hope and ideals

Parable: symbolism - running out of oil
Parable – literal burn out – not having enough oil to keep things burning.
Not being able to “keep the fire burning” until Jesus comes.

Unresolved burnout can lead to depression, self abuse, illness and even death.

Maybe you can go overboard with spiritual passion … but spiritual burnout is even worse!
Pastor Walter Edwards “It’s easier to calm a fanatic than resurrect a corpse”
Most people don’t have too much spiritual passion.

1. Spiritual rest – “Jesus withdrew to a lonely place” / a timeout to recharge his spiritual batteries (even the Son of God needed this, don’t think we don’t). Church sponsored “retreats”
2. Pacing life. Jesus didn’t run to every emergency. Jesus was told, “Lazarus is sick” and he waited a few days to head off to see him.
3. Trust God. When Jesus was told that Lazarus is sick, he waited a few days because, “it is for God’s glory.” God is in control, whether I am or not.
4. Confide in someone you trust.
- “What a friend we have in Jesus”
- Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (which is Love God, Love one another)
5. Develop regular habits of spiritual maintenance
- Daily prayer and devotions (daily bread, etc.)

Story: Billy Graham had made it clear to his secretary that under no circumstances was he to be interpreted during his personal devotional time with God in the morning.

On this particular occasion, the phone rang. It was the President of the United States. His secretary softly knocked on the door as she opened the door, Dr. Graham looked up, the secretary said: “I’m very sorry to interrupt, but President Eisenhower is on the phone and he wants to speak to you now.”

Dr. Graham looked at her and said, “You know that you’re not supposed to interrupt me while I’m having my devotions. Tell him, I’ll call him back when I’m done speaking with the Lord.”

She walked back to her desk, picked up the phone and with a trembling voice said: “Mr. President, I’m sorry Dr. Graham is in a conference now, he will have to call you back later.” President Eisenhower responded: “I’m not use to having to wait for anyone for anything.” And he slammed down the receiver.

Sometime later Dr. Graham called back; President Eisenhower rather out of sorts said: “Mr. Graham I’m not use to having to wait for anyone for anything. I wanted to talk to you then..” Dr. Graham responded by saying: “If I had talked to you then, I would have had nothing for you now.”

- Attend church activities: Sunday school, worship, bible study, etc. (force yourself to avoid withdrawal.

Donald Soper answers that question in these word: “Christianity must mean everything to us before it can mean anything to others.”

- Be involved in a small group (accountability). Jesus had his small group and always sent the disciples off in at lease pairs.

Oil comes from God (it is God). The lamp is useless without the oil. Our lives without God …

Jesus tells us in Matthew 5 – “You are the Light of the World.”

When we run out of oil, we cannot do what we are called to do and be.