Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Musing for March 14

Perhaps you know …
Q: What’s green and sits on the front porch?
A: Paddy O’Furniture

Q: What do you call a fake stone in Ireland?
A: A sham rock.

Q: Why did St. Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland?
A: He couldn’t afford plane fare.

Q: Why can't you borrow money from a leprechaun?
A: Because they're always a little short.

Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Irish who?
Irish you a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Did I see a sprout? Hopefully our amaryllis bulb is not an indication of our spiritual growth. On Sunday we talked about asking forgiveness, God’s compassion and a second chance. God wants us to grow so much, that we are given second chances. Hopefully we’ll see some growth.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18)

I thank Dick Rusbuldt, Dawn Flay and Gwen Sill for helping with Kids Together on Sunday. I missed being with you. The children worked on their “stained glass” pictures for lent. Check out their work on the door between the sanctuary and the narthex. They also worked on cards to send to the folks they prayed for.

This week Karen and Danielle Burkett will help lead the Kids Together program.

Thanks go to Betti and Corrine Sharpe for being our nursery volunteers this week. Winnie Spoonts and Kristen McGeorge will be in the nursery during the worship service next Sunday.

The Kids Club continues on Sunday evenings. We talked about trusting in God. We learned about Jesus’ disciples trusting in Jesus. The kids made their own snack (thanks Sherry), played games (thanks Dorothy) and had a Bible Drill. It was close, but Madeline came from behind to win. We’re all winners when we learn God’s word.

This week, we’ll learn about defending our selves physically and spiritually. A special guest will teach us some self-defense moves and we’ll learn some spiritual self-defense moves from God’s word. Dorothy is planning a special snack treat we will make.

Children grades 3 to 7 meet from 6:00 to 7:30 every Sunday evening during lent. We gather in the Fellowship Hall for singing, games, Bible study, crafts, competition and a ministry project. Sherry Snyder and Dorothy Gardner join me as leaders for the Kids Club.

Mark your calendars for July 15-19, 2007. The Children’s Ministry Team is making plans to transform our children into ‘007 agents for God.

St. Patrick is credited with bringing the Gospel of Jesus to Ireland in the 400s AD.
His real name is believed to be Maewyn Succat (he took on Patrick, or Patricus, after he became a priest). The story goes that he was kidnapped at the age of 16 by pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland. During his 6-year captivity he worked as a shepherd and he began to have religious visions, and found strength in his faith. He finally escaped (after voices in one of his visions told him where he could find a getaway ship) and went to France, where he became a priest (and later a bishop). When he was about 60 years old, St. Patrick traveled to Ireland to spread the Christian word. Patrick used common objects to explain the faith. The shamrock was used to explain the concept of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

Perhaps St. Patrick’s Day should be a day we are encouraged to share the Gospel with others. Perhaps we could be challenged to explain our faith to others by using simple objects of everyday life. So, put on your green and tell someone about Jesus!

May you continue to grow in the grace of the Lord this week.

Pastor Steve

This Week’s Motto: Go mbeannaí Dia duit (“May God bless you” in Irish Gaelic)